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Located in - Nelson, BC
The following are 1.5-day courses, beginning Friday 1230-430pm and 830-430pm on Saturdays.
The Cervical & TMJ course, however, is a full two-day instruction, running from 8:30-4:30 PM on both days​
​ Foot & Ankle (Sold Out)
Feb. 28th & March 1st
Upper Extremity (2 Spots left)
March 28th & 29th
Knee & Hip (3 Spots left)
May 9th & 10th
Lumbar & SIJ
June 13th - 14th
Cervical & TMJ
July 26th - 27th
- Register Now -
- Max Class Size: 10 Awesome People -
- Will Fill Up Fast! -
Get 10% of now for a short time​
+ All 4 courses - $1740 ($430 savings)
+ One day courses - $475
+ Cervical & TMJ (2 days) - $745
+ Bring a colleague save 10%
Payment plans at request​
​When Filling Out Registration, Please Identify In The Message What Course(s) You're Registering For
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